Weight Loss Journey: Biggest Loser Results

My weight loss journey started with the motivation of entering the Biggest Loser competition at work. It was like the stars had aligned. All at once, I had weighed the most I’d ever weighed (by a lot!), my coworkers were signing up for this competition, too, and I was invited to join a weight loss/fitness support group. I knew this time could be different because this was the first time I’d tried to lose weight with the most time to devote to it, the most financially stable I’ve ever been, and the most support I’ve ever had. I didn’t have anything traumatic happen at that time to send me over the edge, I just finally had my legs under me and I was ready to go.

This has been a very prayerful process. I’ve had this song that has resonated with me throughout the journey. “Chain Breaker” by Zach Williams. The lyrics

If you’ve been walking the same old road for miles and miles
If you’ve been hearing the same old voice tell the same old lies
If you’re trying to fill the same old holes inside
There’s a better life
There’s a better life
If you’ve got pain
He’s a pain taker
If you feel lost
He’s a way maker
If you need freedom or saving
He’s a prison-shaking Savior
If you’ve got chains
He’s a chain breaker
We’ve all search for the light of day in the dead of night
We’ve all found ourselves worn out from the same old fight
We’ve all run to things we know just ain’t right
And there’s a better life
There’s a better life
When I listen to this song, I hear my struggle with my weight. I’ve been caught in this gluttonous lifestyle for too long. I feel trapped in this body that doesn’t really feel like me. I’ve been overweight my entire life. I lie to myself constantly that I’ll be ok, or that I’ll turn it around someday. But when will that someday be? I’ve climbed all the way up to 347 lbs without stopping. I’ll become an immobile, sickly, sad person. I don’t want to get there. I want big things for my life and they cannot happen if I can’t even move. I need God to break these chains. My weight is my chains. I’m caught in them and I can’t get out of them without Him. God doesn’t want my obesity to define me or hold me back. It really struck me (for the first time, ever!) that this is the ONLY body I’ll ever have and that God designed it JUST FOR ME. He picked out my face, my hair, my smile, and my body shape. However, through sin, I’ve slowly destroyed the beautiful body God designed for me (1 Cor. 6:19-20, Gen. 1:27). I broke down in tears when I realized that. So, in relying on God, I’m turning this around.
And I have.
I started my weight loss journey on January 4th, 2017 because that was the first day I had to weigh in for the Biggest Loser at work. I got on the scale, fully clothed, with shoes, starting at 347. I was SHOCKED that I had climbed to that high of a weight. My immediate thoughts were that this cannot be right…could it? I hadn’t weighed myself in so long. But I felt so embarrassed that this was who I was. I hadn’t told ANYONE how much I weighed. Not even my husband knew because I was afraid that maybe he would love me a little less if he really knew. But, now the nurse would keep me accountable each week for 8 weeks.
The last few weeks have been up and down in difficulty. At the last weigh in on Feb. 22, I weighed in at the competition at 311.2! My new low! I was shocked and thrilled that I had made it so far. The days between last Wednesday’s weigh in to now have been good and bad. I visited my husband in Albuquerque since he is away on a business trip for a month. It was very challenging to eat well while being gone and relying solely on eating out. Frankly, I’ve barely eaten out since I started this competition. When I do eat out, it has been Panera, Subway, Chili’s lighter fare menu, Applebee’s lighter fare menu…very strategic choices. So, it was difficult. When I returned home from the trip, I weighed 7 lbs heavier. I was so, so disappointed in myself. I’d ventured out too much and it showed. I got right back on the horse and have hit it hard since being back. I’ve seen the weight fall right back off, thankfully. But things like that only motivate me more to continue to see the progress.
Well, today was the end of the competition. And I’m sitting at home writing this because I’m home sick with a fever and cold symptoms. I am bummed that I can’t weigh in for my final time, but I still feel fairly confident with what I’ve accomplished with my last 7 weeks. I got a text from my coworker who is also competing in the Biggest Loser and she said I won! She said that it wasn’t even close. I am so proud of myself and what God was able to accomplish through me. I know that if I hadn’t been supported by my husband, family, friends, coworkers, and especially my Savior, I wouldn’t have achieved this.
The Biggest Loser comp is measured by percentage of weight loss. I’m down 10.3% of my original weight. I’ve never lost this much weight before. With this win, I’ll collect over $300, the whole pot everyone put in when entering the competition. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this money, but I think I might put it towards a new couch. 🙂 If you’ve ever sat on my couch, you’d know that is a good choice.
So grateful for this journey. I’ve slipped up here and there, but I’m staying on track, and that is the biggest difference of all.
It is a marathon, not a sprint.
“And let us run with endurance, the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
– Hebrews 12:1b-2
Have a blessed week, everyone.

Impatience = Doubting God


I would definitely consider myself an impatient person. I don’t think that is an uncommon issue with many people. I believe we live in an impatient society. We want instant gratification, and the faster, the better. And, I mean, I get it. Why wouldn’t you like to get your hamburger in half the time? Why wouldn’t you like to arrive at your destination immediately!? Wouldn’t that be nice? No more parents having to listen to “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” all the way to Disney.

We can all relate. We’ve all had our impatient moments.

I heard recently a new concept to myself. I’d never considered it before, and it really had me wrapping my head around it.

I heard on my local Christian radio station, the radio host said “impatience = doubting God.”

My first thought was whaaat? How is me wanting to get my fast service doubt in God? This makes no sense to me. So I started to break it down and think about it.

Ok, sure. Maybe it’s because I have a sour attitude? Maybe it’s because we shouldn’t be caught up in the wrong things? And then I thought bigger. Oh. Of course. Because of God’s timing. We should be patient in God’s timing. Well, yes (and that’s not new).

And then I started to think, how does this apply to me? I just had a strange feeling like God was saying, WAKE UP! This is a new message to you because I want you to hear it for a specific reason. And it hit me! (and I don’t come by this feeling very often!)

My efforts lately have been pouring into my physical health. I’ve been praying to God to help give me the energy to get myself into shape and take better care of the body that He gave me. I had been discouraged this week because I only lost 1 lb. And every time I’ve gotten off track, it was because I’d had one-too-many cheat meals and I gave up when I didn’t see the results I wanted. I’m in it for the LONG HAUL this time and God was reminding me to have patience. Losing a substantial amount of weight is not easy, but it especially does not happen quickly. God was speaking to me to tell me to have patience and by not having patience, I was not putting my faith in God that He can help get me where I need to be – a healthy weight.

Losing a large amount of weight is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I’ve done many challenging things in my life, but one thing I’ve always wanted and never conquered was my weight. At the moment, I’ve lost 21 lbs. I’m very proud of myself for the work I’ve put into it thus far, but I need to have patience because that is putting faith in God.

Becoming healthy and losing weight is not going to happen quickly. It will happen in God’s timing, and in the long-term effort I’m going to put in with God’s strength. When the information clicked, I felt so uplifted that God was personally saying that f”I’ve got you, don’t forget it.” With patience and faith in God, I’ll be able to come out on the other side a healthier woman.

This concept of “impatience = doubting God” can be used for many parts of someone’s life. If you are ill, if you’re deployed, if you’re looking for love, if you’re trying to have children, unemployed, if you’re doing anything, know that God is aware of the situation (in real time) and is working on it. Have patience. He has not forgotten you.

This seems easier for me in the big things that I mentioned. Many of those things can hardly have an impact from one’s own effort (beating cancer, finding Mr/Mrs Right, etc). However, the idea of implementing “impatience = doubting God” when I’m upset because the line at the DMV is far too long. How can I use this concept to better those circumstances? Yes, of course, I’ll get through that line EVENTUALLY, but it is upsetting me because I could be anywhere else doing anything else. But, the Father asks us for patience because He is aware of every piece of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). He has formed a plan for each of us and maybe learning patience this way is a part of that plan. Maybe we should take each moment and relish it because in that moment we are breathing, walking, talking, seeing, reading, relating, thinking, LIVING! We should take those impatient moments and turn them into thankfulness that we are so blessed that those small inconveniences are the biggest problem we have in that moment. What a blessing our lives would become.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

 Philippians 4:6

Instead of becoming worked up because we are waiting, take it to God, ask for peace and be thankful for the very moment you’re in.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

I’m so thankful that God gave me this refreshing message. I will choose to be thankful for the life I’ve been given, every breath, and every pound that I lose. Even if this happens slowly (and it will), I will be grateful that He has kept me strong on this journey.

Live life well and give glory to God.

Weight Loss Journey: Week 3 Blues

I am writing this being half way through my 3rd week, after my second weigh in.

The second week was great, I was full of energy and I was still flying high! After my weigh in being successful, I was pumped to keep it going.

I knew at some point, my energy would slow down, but I have my mindset being different than previous times, because this time I’m going the distance (*cue Disney’s Hercules soundtrack*).

I had my second weigh in this last Wednesday, January 18th. Drum roll…

I went down to 333.6 lbs from last week’s 337.8 lbs. That is 4.2 lbs, added to my previous 9.2, I am currently at a 13.4 lb loss total. Moving along nicely!

I knew that I wouldn’t have as big of a loss as the first week, but I’m happy with what I’ve done so far. After my second weigh in, I am far ahead in my competition with my coworkers in my department at work, which makes me feel great. Not that the competition for the Biggest Loser is everything, but it is a nice little add on.

So, Wednesday went well, and so did Thursday and Friday. Then Saturday happened. I hadn’t really had any stumbles yet on my short journey, but I knew at some point, I’d hit a rough spot. The rough spot was me going back home for the day to celebrate my grandma’s birthday. I started off strong! I brought along a protein bar, ate half, and homemade a fruit smoothie to keep me full. I didn’t overeat at the family get-together, but I did have a cupcake, but I allowed myself to have that little reward since I hadn’t really done that yet and it was a special day. So far, so good. I was feeling a little guilty, but not too bad. Still having complete intentions on staying on track.

Then I had an emotional struggle that always seems to creep in when I’m home visiting family. Without going into too many details during this post, I’ve always had a rocky relationship with my mom. This weekend triggered some issues that emotionally sent me over the edge and really shook me. I started on the 2 hour drive back home and after feeling so strong, I felt myself begin to crumble. My mind went to a foggy, gloomy, sad place. I’d lost my strength. When I finally made it home to my husband, I told him how upset I was. He decided to take me out to dinner to cheer me up and we went to Texas Roadhouse since they were open late. I ordered a water, and that was about the only smart decision I made that night. I ordered  a steak with salad and baked sweet potato, and ate 3 SWEET ROLLS. I knew while I was doing it that I shouldn’t. I felt guilty while eating it. And honestly, it wasn’t even that good. I still feel guilty for not even trying to eat better that night. But I am looking at it like it was my bump in the road, and that is okay. Okay as long as I stay on the road. And I am.

So, on Sunday, I was not feeling very good when I woke up. I still felt guilty, but also felt a little sick to my stomach for eating that much, and also not very good food. By the time lunch came around, I felt better, so after church, my husband and I went to eat Thai food, which was not as healthy, either, but I did not overeat, nor have as many carbs. I felt a little guilty, but not as bad.

Now, here it is Sunday night and I’m reflecting on my decisions that I’ve made over the last 24 hours. I’m disappointed with myself, but I’m not going to let it get me down. I’m still working toward this overall goal of health for the rest of my life. And honestly, I’m glad I care enough to stay on track. Right now would be the exact moment the old me would give up on my diet and go back to doing whatever I wanted, but not this time.

I’m praying that God renews my strength. I’m doing this not just for me, but for me to have a better vessel for God to use for His will. I want to take care of the body God designed for me.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” – Psalm 139:13-14

Now, I am looking at the next 2 days to try to make up for my mistakes this weekend before my next weigh in on Wednesday! I will be lucky at this point to go down even 1-2 lbs. I will be grateful for any loss. But just because it may not be a big loss this Wednesday, does not mean I cannot have a successful weight loss journey altogether.

My blog says “Spread wings. Stumble. Fly. Repeat.” and that is exactly what I intend to do.

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” – Isaiah 40:29

Refresh me, O Lord. Renew me.

Should Christians Make New Year Resolutions?

Hello 2017!

It has been a wonderful year so far. All 2 days of it. Of course, 2017 has only consisted of the weekend and an observed holiday off, but I could get used to this. If this is the set up for the new year, I’ll gladly take it.

If you’re like most people, you probably considered whether or not to make a New Year Resolution or two. Starting a new year has a refreshing feel because you experience empowerment and a clean slate. But what should the next year hold? What lessons do you need to learn from 2016? That answer could be different for all of us, but I believe that we all have some goals in common if we are Christ-followers.

As Christians, we might all say the stereotypical “pray more” or “read my Bible every day,” and while these are great things to do (and we should hopefully be doing), I think we can all dig a little deeper for a new resolution.

But first, I’d like to discuss the topic of whether or not Christians should even make resolutions. I know that some might argue that it is a secular idea to begin making changes by your own willpower, blah, blah, blah…Yes, they will have a likelihood of failing if you rely only on your own willpower, but who is to say that God can’t use any catalyst for His own will? I believe that all roads can lead back to Him, even if we make blatant mistakes. We just need to have a heart seeking Him. So, why not a New Year Resolution? It’s all about the heart.

So what are these deeper resolutions? If you choose to pray more and read your Bible more, good. DO IT. If you feel so led, that is a great way to make changes. But if you’re looking for something different, I’d encourage you to seek these out as we start the new year.

New Year Resolutions:

PRAY…for conviction. When was the last time you asked God to show you your iniquities? I mean the gritty feeling of sitting down and listing your sins and struggles. This is a very personal process, but I assure you, if you ask, He will show you. (2 Corinthians 7:9-10)

PRAY…for forgiveness. After you are sitting face-to-face with what God revealed to you, cast it away. Know that God loves you and you are NOT your sin. You were created in His image and you can be made clean. (1 John 1:9)

PRAY…for wisdom. Ask God where He wants you to be this year. Ask Him how you can serve Him. Ask Him to reveal to you, or guide you, to His plans. Even if you walk through them blindly for a while. (Ecclesiastes 2:26)

PRAY…for boldness. Ask God to give you the boldness to step out and follow His plans. Maybe you already know what those plans are. Maybe 2016 had those plans weighing on your heart and you waited in nervousness and worry. Ask God for the boldness to do His will in your life. (Deuteronomy 31:6-8)

PRAY…for peace. Pray for peace in your life so that you wouldn’t be left wanting more. Pray that you could be content with what you have and what God has provided. And pray that if you were to be seeking after anything, it would be God. (Hebrews 13:5)

This is a process that I’d encourage anyone reading to go over, and over, and over. Each time you go through it, you learn something new about God, yourself, and the world.

Whatever you choose to do for your New Year, remember that it is never too late to “start over” and choose to follow Jesus. He provides a much more fulfilling eternity than any resolution will bring.

Blessings in the new year!


Do Not Fear

Tonight, while driving home from work, I was struck by a few thoughts out of Isaiah 41 when listening to a pastor on the radio.

Isaiah 41:10 says,

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

I love being reminded to not fear. I also love that it is said so many times in the Bible (365 times!) . It is so like us to be afraid to step out and do something in God’s name. That fear is what keeps us from taking the next step in God’s call, whatever it may be.

In that short passage, it states “I will strengthen you and help you…” The pastor stated that we are to not fear because God has a plan, and a specific plan at that. He is not a “general plans” kind of God. He does not say to us to “do good things,” but instead, He tells us what to do in detail. When we ask God in our prayers what we are to do, he will give us instruction. He will give us detail. If it is in God’s will, he will give us our instructions and it will be blessed. This isn’t to say that we will not have trials at times, but God will map out our detailed route before us. I felt comforted by this, and thought back to the times when I was nervous about one thing or another, and God always took care of it (duh, no surprise). But, it reminded me of how quickly I forget that it is God, the Father, we are talking about.

God does not say, “well, I thought…” No. God is sovereign. He is omnipotent. Take comfort in that he already has the detailed map to our future and he has taken care of the plans. Do not fear. We may be blind in our path, but faith in His plans will be enough. He will help us.

Blessings to you all while you enter a new year! Lets all step into 2017 with a renewed sense of faith and less fear in pursuing God’s will, no matter what it may be.